TLDR; The fix for this is to ensure you are forcing your CDN to properly handle “application/activity+json” in the Accept header vs anything else. In other words, you need to Vary on Accept, but it’s best to limit it to “application/activity+json” if you can.

With the release of ActivityPub 1.0.0 plugin for WordPress I hope we’ll see a surge in the number of WordPress sites that can be followed using your favorite ActivityPub based systems like Mastodon and others. However, if you are hosting your WordPress site on Cloudflare (and likely other CDNs) and you have activated full page caching you are going to have a difficult time integrating your blog with the greater Fediverse. This is because when an ActivityPub user on a service like Mastodon performs a search for your profile, that search will land on your WordPress author page looking for additional information in JSON format. If someone has visited your author page recently in a browser then there is the chance Mastodon will get HTML back instead resulting in a broken search. The reverse of this situation can happen too. If a Mastodon user has recently performed a search and later someone lands on your author page, they will see JSON instead of the expected results.

The cause of this is because Cloudflare doesn’t differentiate between a request looking for HTML or one looking for JSON, this information is not factored into how Cloudflare caches the page. Instead, it only sees the author page URL and determines that it is the same request and returns whatever it has. The good news is, with some effort, we can trick Cloudflare into considering what type of content the client is looking for while still allowing for full page caching. Luckily the ActivityPub has a nice undocumented feature to help work around this situation.

To fix this while keeping page caching you will need to use a Cloudflare worker to adjust the request if the Accept header contains “application/activity+json”. I assume you already have page caching in place and you do not have some other plugin on your site that would interfere with page caching, like batcache, WP SuperCache and more. For my site I use Cloudflare’s APO for WordPress and nothing else.

First, you will want to ensure that your “Caching Level” configuration is set to standard. Next, you will need to get setup for working with Cloudflare Workers. You can follow the official guide at Next, create a new project, again using their documentation. Next, replace the index.js file contents with:

export default {
  async fetch(req) {
    const acceptHeader = req.headers.get('accept');
    const url = new URL(req.url);

    if (acceptHeader?.indexOf("application/activity+json") > -1) {
      url.searchParams.append("activitypub", "true");

    return fetch(url.toString(), {
      cf: {
        // Always cache this fetch regardless of content type
        // for a max of 5 minutes before revalidating the resource
        cacheTtl: 300,
        cacheEverything: true,

You can now publish this using wrangler publish. You can adjust the cacheTtl to something longer or shorter to suite your needs.

Last step is to associate the worker with the /author route of your WordPress site. For my setup I created a worker route of “*dustinrue/author*” and that was it. My site will now cache and return the correct content based on whether or not the Accept header contains “application/activity+json”.

Remember that Cloudflare Workers do cost money though I suspect a lot of small sites will easily fit into the free tier.

If you run a private instance of Mastodon it can feel mighty lonely sometimes. This is due to an inherent design characteristic of Mastodon and federated services in general…how does one instance get information from another instance? Typically, if you have a user on your instance that follows someone else then that information will be added to your instance, along with any hashtags they use and so on. If you run a small server, then obvious there are far fewer ways for information to flow to your instance.

Solving this problem is a matter of ensuring more data is flowing into your instance so that it can then see more content, and most importantly as of version 4.0 of Mastodon, additional hashtags. The easiest way of doing this (aside from running a large instance) is to use relays.

Relays, in essence, take in feeds from a number of instances and passes them to other instances attached to the relay. Finding a relay to add to your instance is as easy as going to and picking one or more to add to your instance. Relay servers usually support both Pleroma as well as Mastodon but remember the information you add to each is different. Be sure to add the right URL.

Screenshot showing relay URLs

You can subscribe to a relay by visiting /admin/relays in the admin dashboard of your instance and clicking the “Add New Relay” button. Simply pick a relay server from the list and add it using the correct URL. For Mastodon, the URL will end with /inbox in almost every case. After a short while you will begin to see your Federated timeline be populated with posts from other instances. Your instance will now see a lot of new content including hashtags that you can follow.

Keep in mind that bringing in this cost does have a cost associated with it. All instances of Mastodon will store everything it sees locally, including post content and media like images and video. It is a good idea to set retention limits on your system so that you are not storing everything ever seen forever. On my system I set my retention limits to 14 days for media and content cache and 7 days for user archives. You will find your instance’s content retention policy at /admin/settings/content_retention.

In addition to using more disk space (and bandwidth transferring all that media) you will also incur more processing time on your instance. The amount of space and processing you need depends heavily on which or how many relay services you add to your instance. For my instance I struck a balance between getting enough data flowing so that hashtags were interesting but not so much that I increased my costs unnecessarily. You can track this information in both your admin dashboard at /admin/dashboard (scroll to the bottom) as well as your chosen object storage provider (you did set one up right?).

If you are running a private instance and feel a bit left out I hope this helps you get the activity you are looking for. Also remember to follow a lot of people and boost content you like instead of just liking it. This will lead to more followers for yourself, more interactions and a more interesting timeline!

In a previous post I quickly mentioned that this site now has pfefferle’s ActivityPub plugin installed. This plugin implements enough of the ActivityPub and associated protocols to allow a WordPress site to look and behave a bit like a user on an ActivityPub compatible platform including Mastodon and more. By installing the plugin, you can search for an author of a site and then follow them so you can see a stream of their content whenever they post it. From there you can comment on the post and interact with it from within your favorite Fediverse platform.

In this post I quickly describe how to get started with the plugin. To start, install the plugin ( using your usual method for installing plugins. For me, that means adding it to a composer.json file, for you it might mean simply searching for the plugin in your WordPress admin -> plugins screen. Once installed, activate the plugin. That’s it! Your site is now ready to be followed by anyone within the Fediverse network.

The plugin implements the bare minimum required, it seems, so it can be a bit confusing when there are no immediately obvious visual changes to anything. Most of what the plugin does is in the background, inserting routes that are necessary to make the webfinger and ActivityPub protocols work on your site. Don’t worry though, the plugin is working!

To get the search string people need to use to follow your blog posts or pages visit your user profile page. You should see something similar to this near the bottom of the page:

These profile identifiers can be pasted into the search bar of an instance and from there you can follow the author. Simply take the @ruedu portion that you see and paste it into the search bar of your Mastodon instance. For simplicity, I put this into my Fosstodon profile This allows people to easily see my profile.

This final step was not immediately clear to me but I found this in my profile it was super easy to then follow myself. Your followers will appear in Users -> Followers. Anyone that replies to a post on the Fediverse will be added as a comment on your site. On my setup, using Akismet, incoming comments were put into spam for some reason.

I have installed this plugin and activated it which means you can now follow my blog as if it were any other user on the Fediverse network. Pasting @ruedu into the search bar of your favorite Mastadon (and more) instance will allow you to see posts when I publish them. I will soon stop posting directly on my profile whenever I post content in favor of letting people choose when to get spammed with my content.