Pushed some updates to my proxmox packer project at https://github.com/dustinrue/proxmox-packer. The updates include effort to support Packer 1.9.2 and the most recent Proxmox plugin. The makefile has been updated to run the necessary init command to get the Proxmox plugin installed as well.

More importantly, the changes fix an issue that prevented the provisioner from running leading to broken or missing cloud-init support in the resulting templates.

In this post I’m going to more or less drop some notes about how I went about debugging a WireGuard VPN issue I was having. I have a WireGuard based VPN running on Rocky Linux 9 which is basically a default minimal installation with WireGuard installed. The system ships with firewalld and nftables, which will be important later. firewalld and nftables are used on my installation of WireGuard to work properly and I have a number of PostUp and PostDown commands that are run to insert rules so that VPN clients are NAT’d properly. As an older Linux user, I am very comfortable with iptables but significantly less so with firewalld and especially nftables.

My adventure began after a system update that prevented data from passing through the connection. Due to how WireGuard works, it appears the connection is made but no data would flow. After confirming my IP address had not changed recently and I was indeed connecting to the system at all I still couldn’t get traffic to pass through VPN.

The first thing I set out to do was verify connectivity with the service. Starting with tcpdump -i any port 51820 I was surprised that I wasn’t seeing any traffic to the service. I was surprised by this because there were no rules present in iptables to suggest the port was blocked and yet I would also get messages stating the port was administratively closed. In an effort to confirm this I wanted to see if I could get WireGuard to log what it was doing. As it turns out, despite being in the kernel as a module, there is a way to make it output logs. The following will set the module’s debug mode to on:

echo 'module wireguard +p' | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

Unfortunately I cannot share these logs but it will provide information about peers coming and going and efforts to maintain the connection. After enabling debug I found…no entries. Very unusual. My next step was to remove firewalld, and be extension nftables. Once removed, there were no firewall rules on the system at all and it was wide open. At this point I was able to see debug messages from WireGuard showing that new peers were connecting. As expected, the VPN still didn’t work because the required NAT rules were missing but this did finally confirm that the problem was with firewalld.

At this point it hit me that firewalld works differently than I was thinking and it has a concept of services. These services won’t appear in an iptables listing. At this point I had a feeling I knew what I had to do. I reinstalled firewalld, enabled and started it and looked at the services it was set to allow:

firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: ens18
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client ssh
  forward: yes
  masquerade: yes
  rich rules:

Immediately it became obvious that wireguard was not included in the list. Simply running firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=wireguard --permanent added the service to my public zone and from here my VPN started working again.

I have provided my thoughts in other places (Mastodon) about how I dislike firewalld and nftables. I find them much more tedious than iptables and haven’t ever really taken the time to learn them. As distributions change and mature over time, a lot of the default settings I took for granted, like a system’s networking being otherwise wide open after an install, are no longer true. At this point I am being forced to learn these tools, which is actually a good thing.

CentOS 7 is now in full maintenance mode until 2024. This means it won’t get any updates except security fixes and some mission critical bugs. In addition to being in full maintenance mode, the OS is simply beginning to show its age. It’s still a great OS, just that a lot of packages are very far behind “state of the art.” Packages like git, bash and even the kernel are missing some features that I prefer to have available. With that in mind, and an abundance of time on a Saturday, I decided to upgrade the underlying operating system hosting the site.

The choice of what operating system was not as simple as it was just a year ago. In the past I would have simply spun up the next release of CentOS, which is based off of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and configured it for whatever duty it was to perform. However, Red Hat had a different idea and decided to make CentOS 8 a rolling release that RHEL is based off of, rather than CentOS being a rebadged clone of RHEL. The history of CentOS is a surprisingly complex and you can read about it at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CentOS.

Since the change, at least a few options are now available to give people, like me, access to a Linux distribution they know and can trust. Among those, Rocky Linux appears to be getting enough traction for me to adopt it as my next Linux distribution. My needs for Linux are pretty basic and more than anything I just want to know that I can install updates without issue and keep the system going for a number of years before I have to worry about it. Rocky Linux gives me that just like CentOS did before. As of this writing, the web server hosting this site is now running Rocky Linux 8 and I’ll upgrade the database server at a later time. So far it has proven to be identical to RHEL and very familiar to anyone who has used RHEL/CentOS in the past.